Base fasting

The connection between basic nutrition, diseases and the acid-base balance has long been scientifically proven. A diet that is based on alkalis has a prophylactic effect, improves already existing mood disorders and diseases, and also enhances wellbeing.

Advantages of base fasting:

  • The body receives enough minerals and trace elements
  • Tendency to inflammation is inhibited
  • Flow properties of the blood and thus the circulation of all tissues are improved
  • Circulation and heart are relieved by saving salt
  • Being overweight leads to a loss of weight even without feeling hungry
  • The gastric emptying is delayed, blood sugar and insulin levels in the blood are subject to much lower fluctuations and remain in balance. This creates a prolonged sense of satiety, cravings do not occur
  • The bacterial flora of the intestine is positively influenced
  • The intestinal passage is accelerated due to the high fiber content, causing pathogenic ingredients of the food mash thereby have much shorter contact with the intestinal wall
  • Age-related bone loss (osteoporosis) is lower

One week starting from Euro 721,00

two weeks starting from Euro 1365,00

  • incl. base fasting food & fasting drinks
  • incl. mineral water & tea station on the room
  • incl. indroduction & activ program

The prices depends on occupancy of the hotel at the time you book and on times of season!

Three weeks or another length of stay please ask individually.






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