Almased – a success story for yourself … Who does not know THE natural weight loss product, which is known far beyond the borders of Germany? High-quality soy, honey from Mexico and yoghurt from Ireland – the ingredients of Almased have high biological value. Vital food provides you with all the essential amino acids from plant and animal protein.
As the first hotel in Germany we can now offer you the ALMASED VITAL-WEEKS or ALMASED-VITAL-DAYS!
Here are your benefits of Almased Vital Weeks at Hotel Ascona:
- Find the right motivation not alone at home …
- professionally trained Almased
- focused on one goal – without the stress of everyday life
- Almased gain experience – even for the time afterwards
- use extensive movement and care program
- can still find holiday rest
We have made it our mission to provide you with a modern way of losing weight in a feel-good atmosphere, where you learn to effectively reduce pounds while maintaining the amenities of a 4-star hotel. During the vital weeks, you will learn all about the Almased 4 phases and, with the right attitude, you will quickly notice positive effects.
One week starting from Euro 791,00
two weeks starting from Euro 1568,00
inkl. Almasedverpflegung entsprechend der 4-Phasen
- incl. Almased shake or reduction food
- incl. mineral water & tea station on the room
- incl. indroduction & activ program
The prices depends on occupancy of the hotel at the time you book and on times of season!
Three weeks or another length of stay please ask individually.
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